귀하의 비즈니스를 판매?
자신있게 전화하세요 | 무료 상담
네바다: 702-802-8090
캘리포니아: 661-347-6985
일주일에 7일
비즈니스 브로커, LLC.
비즈니스 브로커, Inc.
모든 유형과 규모의 비즈니스를 비즈니스 회사에 판매합니다.
40년 이상의 경험
지금 전화하세요!

Commercial and Residential Investment Real Estate
We are your source for finding your investment dream!

"We Mean Business!"

The Business Brokers, LLC. and The Business Brokers, Inc. have years of experience helping businesses achieve time and money freedom by identifying the root causes of challenges and pinpointing solutions. We can develop a tailored performance plan for your company and help you put it into action!
Schedule a Free Call
We’ll present our findings in an in-depth report, along with strategies for implementing permanent change within your organization
Get a Business Analysis
A business management consultant will work with you and your team to uncover the real challenges affecting your business
Implement Permanent Change
We’ll present to you an in-depth report, along with strategies to help drive greater business success

비즈니스 브로커, Inc.
캘리포니아 사무소
전화: 661-347-6985
팩스: 800-319-5933

비즈니스 브로커, LLC.
네바다 사무소
전화: 702-802-8090
전화: 702-803-0155
팩스: 800-319-5933

Business Brokers, LLC & Business Brokers, Inc.의 John과 Eileen Prudhont는 비즈니스 판매, 상업, 투자 및 주거용 부동산 분야에서 40년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 우리는 비즈니스 중개 및 인수합병을 전문으로 합니다.

Eileen Prudhont and John Prudhont are Licensed by the Nevada Department of Real Estate. Nevada Real Estate Broker Licenses:
#1001931 and #1001930. and are performing services for which a Real Estate License is required.
Eileen Prudhont and John Prudhont are Licensed by the Nevada Department of Real Estate. Nevada Business Broker Permit
# BUSB.0006958.BKR and BUSB.0006956.BKR. and are performing services for which a Business Broker Permit is required.
Eileen Prudhont and John Prudhont are Licensed by the California Department of Real Estate. Broker License #01307577
and #01178776 and are performing services for which a Real Estate License is required.
© 2022 by The Business Brokers, LLC.

The Business Brokers, Inc.
4533 MacArthur Boulevard
Suite #A5070
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: 661-347-6985
The Business Brokers, LLC.
5510 S. Fort Apache Road
Suite 451
Las Vegas, NV 89148
Phone: 702-802-8090
Cell: 702-803-0155

John Prudhont, MBA, and Eileen Prudhont, Principals, M&A Business and Real Estate Brokers. Over 40 years combined experience in the sale of Businesses, Commercial, Investment, and Luxury Residential Real Estate. Experts in Business Brokerage and Mergers and Acquisitions Nationally.